PC Software Installation

PC Software Installation: Editor, GitBash, Python3, Anaconda3, CUDA & CuDNN, Tensorflow & PyTorch installation.

PC Software Installation

  1. Editor
  2. OS
  3. GPU
  4. Python
  5. Tensorflow/Pytorch


Notepad++ (for Windows)
Download from https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/

nano (for Ubuntu / MacOS)
vim (for Ubuntu / MacOS)


Git for Windows
Download from https://gitforwindows.org/

Linux Command 命令列指令與基本操作入門教學

  • ls -l (列出目錄檔案)
  • cd ~ (換目錄)
  • mkdir new (產生新檔案夾)
  • rm file_name (移除檔案)
  • rm –rf directory_name (移除檔案夾)
  • df . (顯示SD卡已用量)
  • du –sh directory (查看某檔案夾之儲存用量)
  • free (檢查動態記憶體用量)
  • ps –a (列出正在執行的程序)
  • kill -9 567 (移除程序 id=567)
  • cat /etc/os-release (列出顯示檔案內容,此檔案是作業系統版本)
  • vi file_name (編輯檔案)
  • nano file_name (編輯檔案)
  • clear (清除螢幕顯示)
  • history (列出操作記錄)


Python3.10.x for Windows

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
$ python3 -V
Python 3.8.10

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
$ python3 -V
Python 3.10.4

Python packages

  • Open GitBash / Ubuntu Terminal
    python3 -V python3 –m pip install --upgrade pip
    pip -V pip install jupyter
    pip install pandas
    pip install matplotlib pillow imutils
    pip install opencv-python
    pip install scikit-learn
    git clone https://github.com/rkuo2000/cv2 (程式範例)
    git clone https://github.com/rkuo2000/tf (程式範例)


  1. using pip to install tensorflow / tensorflow-gpu
    pip install tensorflow
    pip install tensorflow-gpu

  2. using anaconda to install tensorflow / tensorflow-gpu
    $ conda activate tensor
    (tensor) $ conda install tensorflow
    (tensor) $ conda install tensorflow-gpu





(用於安裝一串版本相容的Python packages)

Anaconda3 on Windows

Anaconda3 on Ubuntu
How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04

  • download Anaconda3
    $ curl -O https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2022.05-Linux-x86_64.sh
  • install Anaconda3
    $ bash Anaconda3-2021.11-Linux-x86_64.sh
  • create env
    (base) $ conda create -n tensor python=3.9
  • activate env
    (base) $ conda activate tensor
  • deactivate env
    (tensor) $ conda deactivate
  • remove an env
    (base) $ conda-env remove -n tensor

GPU acceleration

This site was last updated December 22, 2022.